Title IX Sexual Harassment Policy – Asbury University-立博体育登录
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Title IX Sexual Harassment Policy

“No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, 或在接受联邦财政援助的任何教育计划或活动中受到歧视.” 
– Title IX of the Educational Amendment of 1972

Asbury University Sexual Harassment Policy

Title IX Training Materials:

Asbury University is committed to providing a safe learning, living, 以及大学所有成员的工作环境 社区 和 环境. Consistent with these values and applicable law, including Title IX, the Department of Education Title IX Regulations, the Clery Act and the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013, 大学维持一项全面的计划,旨在保护大学社区成员免受基于性别或性别的歧视, 其中包括第九条下的性骚扰和不当性行为.

Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (20 U.S.C. § 1681)是一项联邦法律,禁止在接受联邦财政资助的教育项目和活动中基于性别的歧视.  Consistent with this obligation, 立博体育登录禁止基于性别的学术歧视和骚扰, employment, and all of its programs and activities. 美国教育部民权办公室(OCR)执行第九章.   

The Department of Education issued new regulations for Title IX on May 6, 2020. 大学遵守这些规定和联邦法院的判决.

University Title IX Team

以下是立博体育登录第九条团队的成员.  Please contact any of the team for complaints or questions.  此外,学生可以联系他们的住宿主任或学生生活副总裁乔·布鲁纳(joe.bruner@mosqueedequebec.net), to report a complaint or gather more information.

Dr. Sarah Baldwin,  Vice President of Student Life & Title IX Coordinator

Dr. Henry Zonio,  Director of Center of Academic Excellence & Deputy Title IX Coordinator

Dr. David Hay, Assistant Vice President of Campus Safety 

Glenn Hamilton,商业事务副总裁兼财务主管,第九条上诉协调员


Prohibited Behavior 


  1. 为提供援助提供条件的大学雇员, benefit, 或者为个人参与不受欢迎的性行为提供服务. This type of sexual harassment is also referred to as Quid Pro Quo.;
  2. 一个通情达理的人认为不受欢迎的行为如此严重, pervasive, 客观上是冒犯性的,因为它实际上剥夺了一个人平等参加大学教育项目或活动的机会. 这种类型的性骚扰也被称为敌对环境.; or
  3. “Sexual assault” as defined in 20 U.S.C. 1092(f)(6)(A)(v), “dating violence” as defined in 34 U.S.C. 12291(a) (10), “domestic violence” as defined in 34 U.S.C. 12291(a)(8), or “stalking” as defined in 34 U.S.C. 12291(a) (30).


  1. Sexual Assault
  2. Stalking
  3. Dating Violence
  4. Domestic Violence
  5. Sexual Exploitation


Reporting a Concern  

Making a report is not the same as filing a formal complaint.   

任何个人都可以举报可能违反 规定的行为. 只有参与或寻求参与大学项目或活动的员工或学生个人可以作为投诉人.  如果你不确定你是否需要报告,请联系博士. Sarah Baldwin (Title IX Coordinator) or Dr. Henry Zonio (Deputy Title IX Coordinator).  


Once a report is made, 调查人员将与经历这种行为的个人联系,讨论 对个人可用的选项. 这包括讨论个人是否有兴趣提出正式投诉, supportive measures that are available, and how to file a police report, if the individual chooses to do so. 经历过可能违反规定的行为的个人不需要回应 第九条团队的外展. 第九条小组将不采取任何行动 没有请求或通知的人经历的行为.   

Private Reporting and Responsible Employees  

所有全职大学员工都是负责任的员工,并且必须尽快将违反这些规定的任何报告转发给第九条团队. 如果你不确定你是否需要报告,请联系博士. Sarah Baldwin or Dr. Henry Zonio.  


Once a report is made, 调查人员将接触到经历这种行为的个人,讨论个人可用的选择. 这包括讨论个人是否有兴趣提出正式投诉, supportive measures that are available, and how to file a police report, if the individual chooses to do so. 经历过可能违反这些规定的行为的个人不需要对第九条小组的外展作出回应, 第九条小组将不会在没有请求或通知经历该行为的人的情况下采取任何行动.    

Filing a Formal Complaint 

大学社区的任何成员都可以提出正式投诉. 正式投诉是一份签署的文件,包含指控和要求调查的请求. 在提交正式投诉方面需要帮助的个人可以联系医生. Sarah Baldwin or Dr. Henry Zonio for assistance.  


大学政策禁止对涉嫌违反大学政策或程序的任何合作调查方进行报复. Retaliation includes threatening, intimidating, harassing, coercing, 或任何其他阻碍 合理 人从事受本政策保护的活动的行为. 报复行为并不局限于被告个人的行为, and covers behavior by his or her associates, as well as third parties.   

Retaliation may be reported to Dr. Sarah Baldwin or Dr. 并被视为独立指控,可能导致临时措施或纪律处分.